Saturday 27 October 2007

Day 6 LosAngeles

Having survived last nights sojourn into depest darkest Venice Beach a bit of kicking back and relaxing in tune with the locations famous laid back vibe was called for. Cue one hired bike with wide handlebars and the lyrics from Born to be Wild streaming through my brain. The place is fitness fitness fitness with everything from beach volleyball to hockey in the car parks and people meditating in tune to the crashing waves. All this can be viewed from the dedicated cycle path provided you dont run over the occasional rollerblader through lack of concentration.

Then checked out all the dudes along the shorefront. Harking back to the turn on, tune in, drop out days of the sixties and I'm sure a few have never left. So back to the travel planning or severe lack of it. Cue Stefan from Perth Australia who joined us as our roommate and quickly convinced me to fly to Vegas rather than 7 hour greyhound it through boiling desert. Best sixty pounds ever. Cheers Stefan.

Bruno showed us pictures of his work in the Congo with the world wildlife fund. There was one where he is in a swamp feeding a family of chimpanzees who befriended him so much so that the day he was leaving the baby in the group visibly showed signs of sensing his departure. Bruno stressed there are now only 30000 chimpanzees and this figure will only decline as their natural habitat continues to be destroyed. On a lighter note Bruno also talked about Lions in the wild are actually keen to play with humans once they get to recognise them. I suppose in between the hunting and mauling of prey they will look for something to do! He showed us a picture of him pating two wild lions on the head and said they ere far from the most dangerous animals in the jungle (provided they did not draw blood when playing and in Brunos most serious french accent then there is trouble. Apparently those to watch out for in a street near you are 1. Chimpanzees. 2. Rhinos 3. Hippos

Last but not least Bruno explained the gorilla is just a big fluffy pussycat except on the odd offdays where if you receive an intimidation charge you back off slowly. He will give you three intimidation charges and if yiu have not moved by then (most people do) then its not good. Never run though as Bruno explained this only confuses a wild animal and puts them into instant attic mode.

Safari to Kenya anyone ?

Bruno if you read this send me the pictures I forgot to get your email.

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