Sunday 4 November 2007

Day 14 Sedona

Today would see me have the pleasure to meet the Goodloe family from Chicago out on the Huckaby trail. Doug, Margie and Sela were trekking there when I appeared around the corner and managed a brief hello as I bumped and battled my way over the rock step before them.

Sela the star of the show advised in a cute Chicago voice "Hey Mr, you be taking care out there now why dont ya" to which I replied "thats what my niece tells me every time".

Never biked in desert terrain before and the dry heat, water and orientation were key considerations. I did not get lost but I did come close to running out of water. How could you I hear you ask? Well as I leaned against a rock suddenly became aware of a wet sensation in my pants. Ewen your a grown man whats going on? Why I'd only sat on the water tap of my platypus fluid container and it had leaked the water out all down the rockface. See below.....

"Water and Wet Pants."

The pants dried and I survived. Much to the amusement of passers by I languished on my deck chair in the car park eating bananas, rehydrating and nursing nice sore limbs only for the Goodloe family to drive by, reverse and kindly show me a picture they had taken of me climbing up the hill. Well more bent double and peching like an old horse to be exact. We got talking and before I knew it the Goodloes whisked me down to a fancy spa centre for a quick shower (did i smell that bad), gym and pool session. Doug was able to get us into the exclusive centre. He got us all to climb the secuity fence.........joking......!! After that one Scotsman to another (Doug's Dad is from Scotland) we had a pint of "Fat Tire" ale whilst the girls got ready and onto "Cucina Rustica" a marvelous italian resteraunt in the hills where they generously treated me to an unforgettable meal.

They looked on in awe as it became evident I may not see a meal of this quality for some time again and were careful as they reached for the bread not to have their hand chewn off in the process as I circumnavigated the table. Deep fried stuffed olives in a spicy olive oil came at the recommendation of Margie and who was I to question an obvious conniseur. Doug also insisted I try my first ever ice cold martini made with the finest of vodkas. It was sensational and James Bond take note for your next film set.

Doug and Marjorie own and run one of the worlds cutting edge digital printing companies and I could tell they were passionate about their work, people and customers who include the American Football League. Doug and Margies business prints the livery on the footballers headgear and they do a lot of labels for the Motocross circuits and construction plant companies. Their daughter Sela also has to be one of the most sociable cuties on the planet and made sure of introducing herself to all in the resteraunt who were the happier for the experience.

We retired for the evening on the stroke of midnight and I went back to my campsite and pitched my tent. Tired but more than just a wee bit aware of being the only one there. Everyone else had left it was the end of the weekend! The next post will record an evening of shocking fear........

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