Saturday 24 November 2007

Day 33 Fiji (Fishing with Wally)

Myself and another resident backpacker Phil had arranged to begin our scuba diving course today with a nearby village co-operative run by local giant "Wally" who is best described as a Marcellus Wallis from pulp fiction. I've no idea if thats where the name "Wally" comes from but the resemblance is uncanny.

Wally graciously apologised on the basis of "Fiji Time" that his dive instructor was on holiday and instead would we like to help the locals with their fishing today. Why of course we would and another hosteller Jilly who had travelled previously with Phil joined us.

Now fishing normally involves boat, rod and line. Not so Fiji... Wally and his mate swam out from the shore and set the net whilst we along with a few other locals formed a circle some way off . WE were then advised to swim towards the net like maniacs and make us much splashing as possible. The point being to terrify the fish towards the net and it worked. I terrified myself in the process losing a fin.

The catch was then cooked on the shore with the surplus whisked off to the village. Now there is a true co-operative. It was a simple and rewarding day out and eating the fish outside Wally's shed on the beach using only our fingers was almost pagan. Wally joked to us that he often told people he owned a resteraunt and when they asked where he would point to the shed!!

Will I ever taste fish this good again and caught in such fashion. Yes...I'll be buying my own net on getting home...who needs a fishing rod?? Voulenteers for fish splashing please.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Ewen

imagine someone from Brora helping someone to use a net to catch unusual!! Did you not try the well known Brora method and have a ripping time? As they would say in Monty Python:-Know what I mean, Know what I mean.
