Friday, 25 January 2008

Day 95 NZ Kayak School Murchison

I must have put on my excited shoes this morning as there was a fair old spring in my step. Left a note on Polly's campervan to say the course was go and I made a quick trip to the supermarket to stock up as its a bring your own food affair.

As I arrived in the tiny village of Murchison to find the New Zealand Kayak school a beautiful homeley modern lodge nestled in the most beautiful of countryside. As I drove into the kayak shed (not literally) I had a good feeling about this place. Straight away one of my instructors "Spanna" real name Anna fitted me up with my kayak and gear.

It was off to the lodges kitchen to meet up with the rest of the beginners team or as we would later call it "Team Combat". After many days in the tent I had a lousy sleep trying to adjust to the dorms top bunk again and at one point dreamt I'd fallen out of it. Could I hear the roar of white water ahead as I slumbered ...or had someone left the tap on in the kitchen?

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