Monday, 11 February 2008

Day 112 Okere Falls

Mere as part of her teachings also focuses on nutrition and its links with Whakapapa (geneology). One fascinating book she showed me was the foods most suitable or not suitable for your blood group. Apparently my blood type originated between 15000 BC and 10000 BC as the growing tide of humanity spread beyond the range of the first "hunters" and moved out from settled 'cultivators' communities. For that reason my blood group is termed "nomads". How appropriate on my journey away from the croft I thought!! As I listened to Mere it turns out oats and bananas are well suited to me which was just as well as I tucked into my porridge.

Onto more mundane matters for the rest of the day as I booked my flights for Souteast Asia and Oz. I've kept things flexible at all times on this trip and the old flexibility m'larky came to a head when the online visa application computer screen lit up. "You should allow at least two weeks applying for your Australia visa"............Oh No Danger Island I thought ......its less than two weeks till I fly. All was well though as the kind Australian immigration pinged an "Approved" message back. Phew!

As I returned Mr Meow Meow had made himself comfortable in the van. A hard life that cat has!

Then Glenn's new kayak went under the knife for some fine tuning in preparation for our next outing tomorrow on the Kaituna.......

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