Saturday, 16 February 2008

Day 117 Coromandel (Hahei Beach and Alarms)

Today would see me arrive at Hahei beach in the Coromandel region where wild orchids really do grow wild.

The Coromandel is one of the top spots for New Zealanders themselves to holiday and they ish to retain the area as it currently stands and avoid the blight of over development. Good on them.

Shortly before pitching the tent I'd stopped off at nearby Hot Water Beach where at low tide you can hire a spade and dig a hole to bask in the hot thermal water. When I arrived it was high tide. Its all about the timing.

Finally as I slept that night at 2.50 am (and I know this was the time as I awoke "Whats @**&$# going on its 2.50am") the tsunami siren balasted out. As it would turn out later my hunch that it only sounded for twenty seconds signified I could stay in my warm sleeping bag proved luckily ok. As it turns out it was a fire call out signal as distinct from the tsunami which continues indefinately. This did not stop some campers taking off to the hills in their cars and shaking us all up a bit.

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