Sunday, 6 April 2008

Day 167 Brunei (Visit to Ians Workplace)

Today we were scheduled to visit Ian's workplace at the nearby Shell aviation facility. Ian is responsible for the aircraft and the teams of engineers that look after the helicopters which in turn take the oilrig workers out to the platforms.

The Mackays ...Ian, Nikki, Andrew and Emily.

Ewen, Andrew and Emily in the pilots seats. Who is the biggest kid amongst them?

The luxury of having my own aircon bedroom and outwith the noisy environment of a hostel dorm saw me unusually sleep in till mid day long after Nikki had got the kids to school and Ian away to his work. None of this of course mattered to their dog "Lucky" who insisted we go for his afternoon walk on the beach.

In the evening I marvelled at the sunset from the Mackay's garden and Nikki cooked us an amazing pasta dish. Mmmm extra parmesan anyone...careful to keep an eye out for the monkeys in the nearby trees somewhere.

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