Tuesday 6 November 2007

Day 16 Grand Canyon

Up bright and early. Once inside the Canyon entrance gates its very well organised. Arrived at Mather Point as my first stop (see pic above) and having watched a travel programme before I went where the tourists all cover their eyes till they were at the edge I did the same thing. After slightly tripping on the kerb I opened my eyes at the fence and my immediate reaction was disbeleif.

Off to Mather campsite which was busy enough and celebrated my pilgramage to the canyon with a pagan feast. A fat tyre beer, cheese and tomato rolls and a whole bar of dark chocolate. I felt ill and to add to the melee a huge raven was trying to scavenge and possibly have a go at carrying me off to his mates for supper. Walked off the over indulgence and back to Mather viewpoint to see the sunset.

Across fom my tent at night was one mighty impressive camp fire and I walked over to introduce myself to Michelle and Houston my neighbours. Michelle had decided to go on trip as a bit of a treat and took her son Houston along too which was cool. Houston was a top contender in the bmx competition scene as a teenager in Florida and threw a twenty six foot jump at one stage. They introduced me to 'Smores" which are toasted marshmallows placed on a piece of choclate between crackerbread. The mallow melts the chocolate and the whole thing tastes so good you want more. Get it..."Smores".

We chilled out to some good music, watched the stars and Michelle told us her story of how she had prayed for a telescope earlier only to walk into a thrift shop later that day and what was for sale but the very telescope. After lenghthy discussions on best actors and best films we retired for the evening after the park ranger arrived and maglited our faces. We were now into the campsite quite hours time. Tomorrow would see me attempt the killer South Kaibib trail.....


Anonymous said...

Hi Ewen,

Yep, Fat Tire is a pretty decent beer from the New Belgium Brewing Co. in Fort Collins, Colorado. However, my preference is for their 1554 Brussels Style Dark Ale. Of course, it helps in the enjoyment of a beer if you pour it down your throat, rather than over your bedding!!!. Holding the bottle with your feet eh?. Was this a Scottish variant of a yoga position?.

Keep up high standard of your blogs. They are both educational, and highly entertaining.


Ewen said...

Cool Elvis. Looking forward to the comeback!!