Saturday 17 November 2007

Day 27 San Fransisco to Los Angeles

With regulation 5 from alcatraz still fresh on my mind it was time to leave San Fransisco but my flight to LA was not till 6pm. After a visit to the post office in Macys to send some mementoes home for safekeeping I made my way to the San Fransisco Museum of Modern Art. Initially to dissapointment as I was greeted by the likes of Henry Matisse and thought this is not modern.

Do not get me wrong Henry was fine in his day but I wanted modern. Well I got it. A darkened room with water projected onto the far off wall. I stood on a creaky floor board and hey a ripple apperaed on the far off water wall. Carried away in a tidal wave of enthusiam on this discovery why the old lady next to me positively jumped up and down on the floorboards (there is always one) and created a wave on the wall.

Onto a prism walkway made of glass suspended high above the museum, an opening in the wall where you popped your head through and by the magic of mirrors saw around three hundred more of your heads. MMmmm not sure n that one...bit freaky.

You also were given an ipod which commented in an arty farty explanation about various pictures and paintings. At least thats how I initially reacted till I realised the arty fartys knew their stuff.

Caught the Los Angeles flight and on arrival stood in amazement at 10pm at the shear volume of cars, buses, taxis, shuttles, donkeys, (no donkeys really). The shuttle bus driver was a magician and I arrived at Veice Beach Hostel intact.

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