Friday 16 November 2007

Day 26 San Fransisco

Up bright and breezy. Onto the cable car to Fisherman's Wharf where I met Guifang originally from Bejing but now doing a postgrad here in the States. Guifang was going to a conference and to pass the time decided to do a bit of sightseeing.

We got chatting on the cable car and our itenary for the day was the same. Alcatraz and the Golden Gate Bridge. Guifang had been to the bridge 20years ago and told me how great it was. The cable car offcial gave us that "Oooh yiou did not book your alcatraz tickets on the net...Unlucky" but undeterred we sruck forward to Pier 33 and hey presto our cash secured us the alcatraz experience.

It was wonderful. Very haunting and the audio tour headset allows you to take it all in at your own pace. Notwithstanding this Guifang was delighted to see me race back towards the pier and just catch the ferry by seconds.

So on it was to the golde gate and yes you have guessed it the fog was intense. I never did see that view but it was still great to be so high up with cars racing by. All suspended on two big cables. Engineers may say I've over simplified there but without those two cables the bridge would be in the water.

After a busy day it was a burrito in a newly opened mexican near union square and as I thought to myself those inmates at alcatraz received free health care, free food, free accommodation and free clothes whereas we do not......they could never leave the island but many a time must have heard the party yaughts pass and the sounds of the city. Freedom...what price freedom or as machine gun kelly wrote on his cell wall. Nothing could be worth this?

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