Tuesday 27 November 2007

Day 36 Fiji (First Day Dive Course)

Our professional dive school was at Pacific Harbour about an hour away which meant an early breakfast for Phil and I before catching the local bus which is a fantastic way to see Fiji as you pass all the local villages and join in saying "Bula" to the adorable smiling kids and families on their way to work/school.

The antiquated buses themselves have a real staruggle up and down the braes but they get there in the end..."Fiji Time" .

Our dive instructor and owner of "Dive Connections" was Edward. We were welcomed into his home sitting which is located on the plush harbour. Edward's wife made us cofee as we sat down to watch our first instructional video. Then onto the pool for our first controlled dive and they say expeiriencing breathing underwater for the first time is never forgotten. It was sensational swimming about the pool under Edward's careful direction and we were fortunate that the next four days would see us dive out at sea in probably the worlds best and warmest ocean. I say probably as I've still to try others.
Edward was all for moving us from the pool to the sea as soon as we were comfortable because thats where the real learning takes place. So all aboard thats going aboard as the "Scuba Queen" left harbour for our afternoon dive and excercises. The descent was a bit daunting for the first time but we survived. I mean how more difficult could it get ..............

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