Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Day 93 Frans Josef

After a bit of deliberation I packed up the horse and headed West out of Wanaka for the rugged coast and a long drive to Frans Josef. There I planned to setup camp in preparation for a hike out onto its mighty glacier tomorrow. Or" Operation Quite Big Ice Cube" as I like to call it.
During the drive I stopped off at some blue pools which were very blue. Then I moved onto the nice chalky grey of crushed rock washed down by the Glacier as it churns and pounds at the mountain.

Enough excitement looking at different coloured water for one day and with that I met Anjie a friend of Peter and Janes in Christchurch who was travelling the world in the oposite direction to myself. We shared stories on places we had been to and in true traveller fashion halved the pizza deal on offer complete with one free beveridge. None the wiser but a lot less hungrier we bid each other bon voyage.

By this time evening had well and truly arrived and it was cold, cold, cold. I hung out in the tv room till midnight before finally braving the tent which by now more closely resembled a refrigerator. With two tops, two fleeces, two pairs of trousers and three pairs of socks (anymore cuts off circulation as I discovered to my horror) I huddled up into my two (see a trend here?) sleeping bags for a game of "Lets play hypothermia". As it turned out I was warm as toast and with my new pillow from the supermarket (till now I've used a rolled up towel) I slept well. Tomorrow I hike one of the worlds few advancing glaciers........

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