"One of the most amazing things you can do in this country" say Lonely Planet and with that I set about the Lost World caving epic adventure.
Mangapu Cave aka "Lost World" is not a cave you can stroll into. The only way to get into it is by abseiling 100 metres (330 feet) down through an opening created when the cave's roof fell in about 20,000 years ago. The Lost World was first discovered in 1906, when two railway surveyors just about fell into it as they looked through a natural window to see a sunlit ferny gully way below and described it as "a lost world, minus the pixies". The history books fail to mention the other quote "no chance of a railway going here then Roddie, lets go and eat our jam peaces i'm starving"
The abseil takes over thirty minutes and is hard on the cobblers if you dont position your harness right before you start ....the guides were quick to stress. Mine were positioned just fine thanks. Following on from that we stopped for lunch careful to sit under a ledge as the occasional cow has been known to drop in.
This would be the last daylight we would see for seven hours and it was a chance for us all to "silouhette". We would go on a fear testing wade past eels and cave spiders. They dont mention that on the brochure but they seemed friendly enough. Also breathtaking were the gloworms throughout the cave.
"Rock Climbing"
Finally we reach the exit and off for a well needed barbecue. An unforgettable experience.
Wow, wow, wow - love the photo of you outlined in the sunlight. Good stuff - what an adventure.
Excellant drawings.
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