Thursday, 28 February 2008

Day 129 Wilsons Prom (Kangaroos, Wombats and Cheeky Parrots)

Meeting your first kangaroo is great. Especially when Skippy was only five feet from our tent (or two feet if you measure in kangaroo feet which are very big). We had only just set up our tents at "Tidal Bay"and here he was looking a bit confused having boinged in during daylight. Off he skipped and little did I know we would meet again later in the depth of the night...

So with the tents pitched and the stove boiling up a nice brew it was fantastic to see a brightly coloured parrot above in the tree.

Moments later the "not so fantastic" parrot dropped one on Melv.

The gentle giant that he is there were no hard feelings and quite literally Melv had the parrots eating from his hand within the hour. (You will notice Melv changed his breeks).

As daylight came to a close we took a wander to the nearby beach and marvel at incredible views of the stars Australia is renowned for. In particular the milky way, toblerone and southern cross. What then should we stumble across than Wayne the Wombat. Wayne would later turn out to be the proverbial "creature of habit" as each night at the same time he would appear on the same part of the footpath. Wayne's tactics were simple, engage no eye contact and the humans will pass by. On the second night Melv stood a bit too close to Wayne...........Wayne scarpered (at about four miles an hour).

What an amazing place Wilsons Prom was already and tomorrow will see us set out on the 20K bush trek to "Sealers Cove"............snakes permitting...........

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