Thursday 24 April 2008

Day 184 Ho Chi Minh (Saigon - City)

Today I went on a tour of Saigon (now called Ho Chi Minh). Its good to see some people manage a snooze during the traffic.
We visited the war remnants museum but very quickly stopped taking pictures as the images of war and the effects of napalm, agent orange and the like adorning the walls were just horrific.

This victim revisits the scene of the B52 attack where she lost all her family and her arm.

On a more peaceful note the next stop was a Chinese temple set in the heart of the busy city near Chinatown funnily enough. You could write a wish on rice paper and attach it to these incense coils.Then the Chinese market...with no room to move. "Hi pickpockets fancy meeting you here!"

Then the general post office where Michael Palin said were he to make a series on post offices this would be first on the list.

A trip to "Reunification Palace" where the South Vietnamese president held out. Always handy to have an escape helicopter ready!

Big meeting room.


Underground bunker

The underground bunker's interior designer shows flair with choice of phones.

Finally a stop at the Notre Damme cathedral built by the French during their protectorate or colonialism depending on your perspective.

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