Monday 12 May 2008

Day 202 Fine Day I Returned to the Croft

Arrived back at the croft from my journey around the world...................

Writing the blog has been fun and I hope you have enjoyed it too. A massive thank you to everyone for words of support and friendship. For me the journey continues as I walk once again through the memories of the lovely people I've met, the characters, stories and places I've been.

I'll leave with the final verse from Robert Frost's poem "The Road Not Taken"

I shall be telling this with a sigh, somewhere ages and
ages hence

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I

I took the one less travelled by, and that has made all
the difference.

Sunday 11 May 2008

Days 199 - 201 Home to the Croft

After a few days catching up with friends it was now time to take the last of the train journeys on my travels - the North line.

Many a hostel served me well across the world and it seemed apt that whilst I tucked into shortbread the other passenger at my table should represent the Scottish Youth Hostel Association. Chris originally from Durham told me the story how back in his day there was a stigma of taking holidays never mind travelling. Chris knew that as a young lad were he tell his parents he was about to go off on a massive cycling trip across the Pyrenees they would talk him out of it in a matter of days. So.........Chris told them he was off on holiday for a fortnight....he arrived home eight months later!

Thursday 8 May 2008

Day 198 Scotland

The overnight flight Quantus QF1 from Bangkok to Heathrow brought on the norms of a night flight. ...jet lag, twist and turns to get a some sleep and window shutters down to block out the sunrise when your brain tells you a sunrise should not be happening. For me none of this mattered .....I was coming home.

Wednesday 7 May 2008

Day 197 Heading Home

With the rucsack all packed it was a case of watching tv till tonights flight. Try going without tv several months and see what happens ...even the test screen is fascinating.
Arrived at the airport or perhaps the next set for Battlestar Galactica.

After a trip free of aftershave (because mosquitoes love it) I went slightly overboard with the tester sprays at duty free. The lady next to me went into a fit of sniffing. I thought she must have a cold.

Tuesday 6 May 2008

Day 196 Bangkok

On the flight today from Hanoi to Bangkok I noticed during take off a white mist bellowing from the overhead vents. I appeared to be the only one to see this unless the three hundred other passengers were in denial. As I put on my best 'fear' face the stewardess gave a nodding glance and said "aircon, no worry".

Its the last hostel of my trip so where better than the brand new Lub'D. A marvel of modern design more closely related to a science fiction set than budget travel accommodation. Will all hostels in the future be like this? Surely some will remain advertising "authentic bed bugs gauranteed" or "the fans broken and its thirty five degrees in here".

Took a wander to the shops and one mall caught my eye. How about floor two with a "shooting office" or flour four with "golf lessons". My choice was the japanese curry house.... floor two.

What a fine choice for today was its opening day and there was a real feel of optomism.With that optomism came a magnificent Japanese curry of sauted pork and pineapple.

As I walked back the night market was beginning to set up.

Within minutes they were ready for another evening of bartering. To think this gets dismantled and reassembled every day. I pondered as to what my luggage allowance was whilst picking up a bargain. Then off to the hostel whistling "Caledonia" by Dougie Maclean to pack the rucksack in anticipation of tomorrow nights flight home. To hear Dougie's poignant words please click on the link.......

Monday 5 May 2008

Day 195 Hanoi

Back on dry land again in Hanoi and as if on cue for the start of the rainy season the heavens opened. In a way getting me ready for my return to the Croft!! With home in sight my thoughts turn to family and friends more than ever and images of home keep springing to mind...........

See you all soon!!

Sunday 4 May 2008

Day 194 Halong Bay

By now with the pollution in Vietnam I was suffering from a sore throat which explains why the Vietnamese always wear face masks. Despite a poor sleep I'd almost forgotten where I was until I opened the door of my cabin. The views are fantastic and at the moment Vietnam is pushing hard for Halong Bay to be included in the new "Wonders of the World" competition.

The rest of the day we made our way back through Halong Bay to Halong City and then a four hour bus back to Hanoi. On the way back we slammed on the anchors for two motorbike accidents. All were wearing crash helmets required by law since last December in an attempt to reduce the thirty eight deaths a day on Vietnam's roads. I thought "next step Vietnam how about seatbelts for tourist buses" as I peeled myself off the seat in front.