Wednesday 21 November 2007

Day 30 Fiji (Jungle Trek)

Today was the Jungle Trek from the Beachouse and you will see our guide directing us towards the edge of the path here to point out a pineapple plant and joke about people stupid enough to think they grow on trees. Lets just say that I was not the only one to give an uneasy laugh in our group!

At this point we were joined by "Brownie" who joins the walk every day. Brownie belongs to a local Korean family who helped build the new village school and somehow manages to return spotless from the trek despite many a foray into the jungle in pursuit of who knows what.

This had to be the muddiest path outwith a T in the Park festival. Many pairs of trainers were to be soiled and destroyed that day and fair play to Lyndsey in our group who went the whole way in bare feet after her flip flops proved unwearable. Squelch squoosh yeuuchh.

The big hook in this trek was the waterfall and we eagerly crossed the rivers and stopped for a rest mid way through. By this time I'd struck a rapport with our guide who would only refer to me by the name "Scotteeeesh" and so it would remain for the rest of my stay.

Finally the photo shoot at the waterfall where in the rushing torrent our guide took photos one by one with our cameras as we slowly but surely were battered to submission. For reference I include one particular photo pose which our guide was keen to take and freely admitted this was due to the high frequency of the girls bikini tops being washed away. Infact this occured on our trip to everyones amusement and a big smile from the guide!

I enjoyed my first ever jungle trek and it was back to the beachouse for dinner where we all learnt to play poker "texas hold em". No money changed hands. ...backpackers after all .....but it was fun to play with plastic chips.

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