Thursday 29 November 2007

Day 38 Fiji (Third Day Dive Course)

On our dive today was called "Shark Fin Pass" and true to its name I saw my first shark!! New pants please !! A white tip shark to be precise and it certainly acted Mr "Top of the Food Chain" as it glided past.

Onto more mundane matters as we entertained the seemingly most difficult practical excecise of the course....mask removal, refit and clear at depth. This did not bother me at all after yesterday's events.
We then had our lunch which Edwards' assistant the mighty Isac kindly set out. Isac's work ethic with the complete approval of Edward has to be admired. Basically when there is work to be done then Isac is right there doing it. When there is not then....Isac sleeps. ...... UK efficiency experts please take note.
Back to more studying of the dive manual as the final tests take place tomorrow. Not before myself and Phil visited the sweet shop again on the way back to the bus.

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