Sunday 9 December 2007

Day 48 Cape Reinga and Ninety Mile Beach

Cape Reinga today where the Maori people beleive their souls go before travelling down ninety mile beach to the afterlife was ...well you can tell from the pics above. We then had some respite whilst the bus drove down a 6km stream. Yes thats right a stream. Then gret fun (as if a bus going down a stream was not fun enough) on plastic sledges down huge sand dunes
Then the big one. A 100kph drive in the bus on the beach only metres from the waves. I enjoyed today despite the weather.

A big thanks to South islander Alan and his wife at the campsite this morning for recommending I take the bus tour to Cape Reinga today instead of driving. Mainly to avoid 20km of unsurfaced flooded road and the bus drives the whole way home on ninety mile beach...whey hey !!

Also despite the monsoons the driver pulled out all his best jokes which I have to say we enjoyed them. He also showed us an old barn that a hundred years ago served as the dancehall on the Saturday and the church on the Sunday with a racecourse next door !!

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