Saturday 15 December 2007

Day 54 Wanganui (Canoeing)

"Ko aute awa, ko te awa ko au" ...... why sober up Ewen ....hey how dare you ..its Maori for "I am the river and the river is me" . Very apt for todays blog.

(stranded lamb)

The local postman dropped our group comprising three swiss and myself off up river after an excellant commentary on the history of the area. Paddling our canoes for the day sauntering down the lazy river until two of the Swiss capsised and oh how we laughed. The day turned into all go as I saved one of their flip flops from the rapids and alerted local farmers to a stranded lamb. After joking for me to hit it on the head with my paddle they assured me they'd collect it in their rowing boat. Quite a comical picture I'd imagine the wee lamb with its lifejacket on.
In the evening the ladies at the hostel who have been a fine bunch these last two days from a NZ branch Jehovah Witness Group kindly invited me to their barbecue. The ladies are a happy go lucky bunch as you will tell from the picture no doubt! Apparently they stay at the hostel each year and say every time they will bring less food the next year. One of the ladies even told me she works as a security guard protecting wildlife in one of the national parks and who should she meet but Billy Connelly making his programme. He said to her your an Australian in NZ and she asked how can you tell. Billy's reply was to the point "You opened your mouth".
Fed and watered I head to the rarely visited East tomorrow (after I check the weather forecast that is)...

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