Tuesday 4 December 2007

Day 43 Auckland NZ (Sky Tower Local Hero)

Morning saw me track down Wallmarts equivalent in New Zealand called the Warehouse. (Note to self...care typing...run spellcheck!!) to purchase a tent. Admittedly at thirty pound its some three times more expensive than the USA model but I can only assume waterproofing ups the price here. Well lets hope so as I hear the place is called the Land of the Long White Cloud.

With accommodation (tent) and transport (car hire till after xmas - see how NZ goes) I could at last turn my attentions to touring the city. After a visit to Auckland's art gallery I thought it was time to see the main landmark...... Auckland's sky tower is the Southern Hemisphere's tallest tower. Note "tower" not "building".

As I stood on the glass floor pane some 300 metres up I can tell you the sign claiming the glass is as strong as the concrete gave little reassurance. I nervously chatted to a London couple when from nowhere comes a familiar Scottish Highland accent calling my name. Why it was none other than the mighty Darren Macleod from the village of Helmsdale (only twelve miles North of my own village Brora). Any mathmaticians reading....just try calculating the probability for that occurance over your tea and toast!!

Darren was passing time before his flight later that day which will take him home to see his recently arrived daughter. The journey however being sooner than expected as Darren showed me the gory pictures of his finger surviving an industrial accident. Impressed that Darren could use his phone camera so well under anesthetic we made our way to the nearest public house for another anesthetic or two before his flight.

Well well well you go to the other side of the world, you ascend its highest tower and still there's a Highlander to be seen!

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